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This is a fantastic HUGE piece of genuine Fulgurite.

This Fulgurite was found in the Desert in Northern Africa-  and is guaranteed genuine.
This  will have been removed from the desert sands and originally have been part of a much larger Fulgurite

This is one of a new supply and they are by far the LARGEST Fulgurites I have ever had to offer

It  measures 12.5cm long - and comes bagged labelled and complete with a signed certificate of authenticity - with information on these amazing objects! - and also has a holographic serial number.

Many buyers may not be familiar with Fulgurite - as it is not often seen in the UK.
Basically - it is the result of a lightning strike on an area of sand.
When the lightning bolt hits sand - the power of the bolt travels deep into the sand and fuses the sand into a molten tube of glass.
This tube then solidifies pretty quickly but leaves the shape of the lightning behind.
These are only small pieces, but a larger piece can look almost like a tree or plant, with radiating branches and twigs.

Fulgurites are often found in the deserts of Northern Africa by meteorite hunters looking for meteorites.
It is rare to find large fulgurites - and even rarer for them to be extracted from the ground intact.
They are delicate objects and often broken in the extraction process .